Saturday, June 21, 2008

I started this weblog some months back with several goals and objectives in mind.

1- By citing Murphy's Law (anything that can go wrong will go wrong) - which is a clean way of saying "_hit happens" - I could poke some fun at, perhaps even laugh off, my troubles and show how I kept trying to pick myself up (and as the old song goes - dust myself off and start all over again).

2- Perhaps I could help or inspire someone else;

3- I hoped to also avail myself of some of the income producing possibilities so prevalent on the 'net. By the way - the sites listed on the right of this blog link to some excellent income producers, as well as money savers. I do hope you'll look at them.

4- If none of the above occurred, at least I would be doing something I really enjoyed - writing. Frankly, if it were not for a company known as 'Web Colleagues' - whose link is on the right, I might not have again started to write, not having done it for over a generation. Of course writing what no one is reading is not very different from talking to yourself, but I've been doing that for years anyway.

I had several 'outs', i.e. things I could rely on, or draw from, to help me, like 'windows shopping', which usually helped get my mind off my problems, which in turn helped me get a better grip on everyday life.
My kids and grandchildren always helped elevate my mood and turn my thoughts to more positive pursuits.
But the principal resource I relied upon was my very dear, friend, my loyal and trusty - trustworthy - trusting 24 hr/day companion - my German Shepherd.

She kept me in shape, on my toes and much more aware of my surroundings than I might ordinarily have been.
When I was ill and late in either feeding or walking her, she always lay, patiently at the side of my bed. I never allowed her on the bed since the first two days I got her. I just couldn't see the sheet or pillow through all of her shed fur coat.
When she couldn't wait any longer to go, she just started to lick my face to tell me - ok - stop feeling sorry for yourself and let me go 'pee.'
Somehow, she knew when I felt really good and could take a little more advantage of me.
Amazingly, she always knew when I felt like 'crap' and to give me a little more space.
Our multiple daily walks, almost always totalling 2 miles/day (it was always a little difficult for me to give her all of the exercise she really needed), our visits to the neighborhood children who all knew that as soon as she was finished sniffing them, she would roll over on her back to get her belly rubbed - funny but she wouldn't let too many adults do that, and our frisbee and stick throwing in the back yard, all kept her mood positive and alert.

She woke me numerous times when a deer came near the house (which was often)or a bear crossed the rear of the property (only 3 or 4 times) but wasn't she supposed to do that?

Funny, but I could never get her to announce a visitor walking up the driveway and stairs, until the bell rang or there was a knock at the door. - That was my fault.

I could go on, but as you surmised, she is gone.

She suffered from advanced cancer and arthritis for the last few months and was euthanized.
The loss has devastated me for a while.
I hope you'll go to my blog about her illness

I intend to post the last few columns from that blog here for the next few days. - I hope you'll forgive me for the repetition. It's for me - I need it.

Thank you

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