Thursday, May 22, 2008

Roll with the Punches, OR, Pick Youself UP, Dust Yourself Off, Start all Over Again

When life kicks you in the rear and you stumble, what do you do?
You stagger until you can straighten up, turn around and face the problem head on. When a serious setback or ponderous problem puts you on the floor, what are your options?
When Murphy's Law (which states "anything that can go wrong will") goes into effect, what can you do?
Every single one of us experiences countless obstacles every day that we have to try to deal with. Sometimes they set us so far back it seems almost impossible.
But we try.
We may make yet more mistakes, but we try again.
If we don't try, if we don't hope to heal ourselves, the alternative is unappealing. We really cease to live. We die.
To keep on going, we, each, develop our own methods of getting around these roadblocks.
1 - We do any activity to change our perspective;
2 - We focus our energy on someone or something we love;
3 - We clear our minds, for as long as we can;
4 - We attack the problem from another angle>
5- We try again!
Fortunately, I am blessed with an absolutely wonderful German Shepherd that has been a true friend and trusty companion for a good number of years, and wonderful supportive children.
No matter how 'down in the dumps' I get, and no matter how long I'm there, my beloved Shepherd always manages to pick me back up. The one or two times she didn't, my kids came through.
The moral is, we all need something or someone to help us recover and try to move on. I have my dog - my German Shepherd- and my kids.
I have the internet, where 'windows shopping' has taken on a whole new meaning. I'll keep trying until I'm gone.
What about you?

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